Ioannis Politis
Associate Professor Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Ioannis Politis holds a Phd Degree in Urban Mobility and Transportation Planning. His expertise is related with the transportation
engineering and transport modelling, the mobility management and the promotion of sustainable modes of transport in urban
Currently, he is Associate Professor at the Civil Engineering Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece in the field of
“Urban Transportation Planning and Mobility Management”.
He is head of the Transportation Engineering Laboratory (TEL).
He is the author, or co-author, of more than 200 research papers which have been published in international and national journals,
books and conferences with more than 800 citations.
He has been involved in various research, national and EU funded projects that are related with the area of transportation planning
and mobility (Intelligent Energy Europe, INTERREG IVC and Europe,6th and 7th Framework, HORIZON Europe etc.), either as Research
Associate, Principal Investigator or/and Scientific Coordinator.
Professionally, he has been involved in studies of large/mid/small scale transport infrastructure projects, in Greece and abroad. He is
member in various scientific committees in Greece and abroad.
During his 20-years professional and academic career, Prof Politis is an active ambassador of integrating the three parts of the
Triangle Knowledge. Under his capacity as Associate Professor, he is participating in projects that encompassing education and
entrepreneurship with research and innovation
engineering and transport modelling, the mobility management and the promotion of sustainable modes of transport in urban
Currently, he is Associate Professor at the Civil Engineering Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece in the field of
“Urban Transportation Planning and Mobility Management”.
He is head of the Transportation Engineering Laboratory (TEL).
He is the author, or co-author, of more than 200 research papers which have been published in international and national journals,
books and conferences with more than 800 citations.
He has been involved in various research, national and EU funded projects that are related with the area of transportation planning
and mobility (Intelligent Energy Europe, INTERREG IVC and Europe,6th and 7th Framework, HORIZON Europe etc.), either as Research
Associate, Principal Investigator or/and Scientific Coordinator.
Professionally, he has been involved in studies of large/mid/small scale transport infrastructure projects, in Greece and abroad. He is
member in various scientific committees in Greece and abroad.
During his 20-years professional and academic career, Prof Politis is an active ambassador of integrating the three parts of the
Triangle Knowledge. Under his capacity as Associate Professor, he is participating in projects that encompassing education and
entrepreneurship with research and innovation
Ioannis Politis
Associate Professor Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Ioannis Politis holds a Phd Degree in Urban Mobility and Transportation Planning. His expertise is related with the transportation
engineering and transport modelling, the mobility management and the promotion of sustainable modes of transport in urban
Currently, he is Associate Professor at the Civil Engineering Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece in the field of
“Urban Transportation Planning and Mobility Management”.
He is head of the Transportation Engineering Laboratory (TEL).
He is the author, or co-author, of more than 200 research papers which have been published in international and national journals,
books and conferences with more than 800 citations.
He has been involved in various research, national and EU funded projects that are related with the area of transportation planning
and mobility (Intelligent Energy Europe, INTERREG IVC and Europe,6th and 7th Framework, HORIZON Europe etc.), either as Research
Associate, Principal Investigator or/and Scientific Coordinator.
Professionally, he has been involved in studies of large/mid/small scale transport infrastructure projects, in Greece and abroad. He is
member in various scientific committees in Greece and abroad.
During his 20-years professional and academic career, Prof Politis is an active ambassador of integrating the three parts of the
Triangle Knowledge. Under his capacity as Associate Professor, he is participating in projects that encompassing education and
entrepreneurship with research and innovation
engineering and transport modelling, the mobility management and the promotion of sustainable modes of transport in urban
Currently, he is Associate Professor at the Civil Engineering Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece in the field of
“Urban Transportation Planning and Mobility Management”.
He is head of the Transportation Engineering Laboratory (TEL).
He is the author, or co-author, of more than 200 research papers which have been published in international and national journals,
books and conferences with more than 800 citations.
He has been involved in various research, national and EU funded projects that are related with the area of transportation planning
and mobility (Intelligent Energy Europe, INTERREG IVC and Europe,6th and 7th Framework, HORIZON Europe etc.), either as Research
Associate, Principal Investigator or/and Scientific Coordinator.
Professionally, he has been involved in studies of large/mid/small scale transport infrastructure projects, in Greece and abroad. He is
member in various scientific committees in Greece and abroad.
During his 20-years professional and academic career, Prof Politis is an active ambassador of integrating the three parts of the
Triangle Knowledge. Under his capacity as Associate Professor, he is participating in projects that encompassing education and
entrepreneurship with research and innovation